Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Daily Grind and The Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness. It is the one dire wish of every living soul. As I, along with everyone else, set off in this pursuit of happiness, it has led me to a few personal conclusions along the way. Happiness is hard. It is natural in our childhood, allowed by the presence of innocence and freedom, but as we age, our burdens become thick and heavy, knowledge at times, weighing down like stones. We get busier and become lost in our habits and our routines as adults. Every smile, a habit. Every good day, a habit. On and on the daily grind begins to grind away. Side tracking and draining us. To challenge this rut, I forced myself to slow my day down and process my surroundings more throughout my day.  I believe that as adults, happiness, first has to be a choice, an effort. We live in a hectic, demanding, tragic world that keeps our brains over processing and overlooking and plain just too damn busy. It is up to us each to slow ourselves down and find simple moments of happiness in little things. When you start to look for the little things to bring you a sense of happy, you find that it is an easy thing to achieve. It is the little things in life that truly do shine the brightest, and the things that render themselves most silent, are actually shouting the loudest. If you allow yourself the time to recognize something lovely in your day, you will see that its been waiting for you to see and to listen all along. I have worked hard every day to really keep up with keeping myself in the present and I have found an encouraging benefit to arise. Now part of who I am is to notice the little things and so many of them happen everyday I find it very easy to find so much happiness each day I breath. Granted, bad things still do definitely get me down, sometimes hard, but because I have worked to find simple happiness it makes me a whole lot stronger for the stuff that is a burden. So, no matter where you are in life, in dark corners, riding the wave, or flying high, look for something in your day that brings you a genuine smile….then let it happen.

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